Software Engineering

Posté le 01/09/2017 par Christophe Thibaut

Ça commence par la naïveté, par une sorte d'ignorance bénie. On crée du code sans être conscient des conséquences, et de la nécessité d'un retour d'information sur ce code. On bâtit naïvement une tour, avec ce qu’on trouve ici et là. Quand la tour frémit, on devient soudain extra-prudent, mais alors on prend un peu plus de temps pour chaque chose, ...

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Posté le 18/08/2017 par Thomas Wickham

Redis is an in-memory database that I really love. It’s one of the rare technologies that make both devs and ops happy. For those who don't know Redis already, here is a small introduction.There are four main topologies of Redis, and each one has and uses different and incompatible features. Therefore, you need to understand all the trade-offs befo...

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Posté le 11/08/2017 par Florent Jaby

When designing Web APIs, we are -sometimes without our knowledge- effectively designing distributed systems. Think about it and count all the actors you can find in your typical web application (API-first of course): browsers, phones, watches, a set of databases, scalable web servers, workers, etc. That’s excluding other applications with which you...

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Posté le 08/08/2017 par Sebastian Caceres

Hey there!TL;DRI hacked another thing together, this time in order to install a highly available Docker Swarm cluster on CoreOS (yeah, Container Linux), using Ansible.If you want to try it:git clone cd docker-coreos make upYou will need Ansible 2.2+, Docker, Vagrant and MoleculeWhy?Well, [I did the same t...

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Posté le 15/07/2017 par Thibaut Gery

Flynn is a Platform as a Service that allows to deploy and scale applications easily. It is based on containers, it is open-source, and its pitch is:Throw away the duct tape.The first impressionThere are many ways to install the platform, using vagrant, or directly on a server. I chose to install it on AWS. The set-up is simple: through a custom we...

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Posté le 15/06/2017 par Maxime Guilbaud-Lainard

Cet article a pour vocation de tenter d’éclaircir les nuances entre ces différentes expériences immersives, mais aussi de vous donner un bref aperçu des différents périphériques existants actuellement sur le marché.La Réalité Virtuelle - VRApplication de formation sur les conduites de gaz des techniciens de GRTgazLa réalité virtuelle est une simula...

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Posté le 15/06/2017 par Nicolas Bordier, Tanguy Patte

Dans un article précédent, nous avons vu comment monitorer avec Prometheus et Grafana une infrastructure dynamique basée sur Kubernetes.Nous allons voir aujourd'hui comment monitorer une infrastructure plus classique avec Telegraf pour la collecte de métriques, InfluxDB pour le stockage et Grafana pour l’affichage et l’alerting. Nous nommerons cett...

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Posté le 14/06/2017 par Pierre Trollé, Eric Favre

Introduction:We've all heard of Vue.js, the last trendy JavaScript framework. Some have already played with it. But beyond the POC, it's time to gear up for real life Vue.js projects. And what's better than some TDD with Vue.js to achieve that? The point of this article is to share the basics to develop with Vue.js using TDD. To do so, we will use ...

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Posté le 29/05/2017 par Guillaume Lagorce

As I explained in the first part available here, I recently switched from Mobile development to WEB front end development.Last month has been full of learnings, let me describe them.Angular: quickstart for the winAs my first web mission will be an Angular application, I focused my attention on this framework.The official quickstart from Angular web...

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Posté le 24/05/2017 par Nicolas Telera

You are an adept of Android App Links and you find wonderful being able to suggest your users to install your application or to redirect them from your website to your application with specific data relative to their requests? Well, forget (almost) everything you know.Since Google I/O last week, Google released to developers what comes as the bigge...

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